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MK-18 Mod 0 Update

Hey guys Thor here, and i realized i haven't posted anything on here for longer than i haven't posted things on Null {} so here is an update on my Mark 18 Mod 0 Assault Rifle.

here is the rifle minus the stock {as i was painting it}
as you can tell there are some new things. first, i added hockey tape on the rail covers for better grip.
second, i added a folding A.R.M.S. 41-B Silhouette folding front sight:
 and here it is unfolded.

And then under the left rail-cover are to cable ties, fitted to hold my camera so i can film in game action:

 Here is the gun from the front:
and here it is from the back:
as you can see i have etched 'Th0R into the charging handle, Call of Duty: Black Ops style.

I also Painted 'Th0R onto the butt stock, an idea i got from Watchalewknat and Airsoft Riot's Smoker.

obviously this is before painting, here is it painted, with the tape still on:
And here it is with the tape removed, i think it turned out good
so this has been the update for my gun, Th0R out (oh, and i added hockey tape to the left side of the stock for comfort)


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